NHS Digital Data Release Register - reformatted

Local Authorities: Data Has Been Made Available To The Public Health Sections Of 91 Councils projects

10 data files in total were disseminated unsafely (information about files used safely is missing for TRE/"system access" projects).

Project 1 — PH VSS

Type of data: information not disclosed for TRE projects

Opt outs honoured: N

Legal basis: Section 42(4) of the Statistics and Registration Service Act (2007) as amended by section 287 of the Health and Social Care Act (2012)

Purposes: ()

Sensitive: Sensitive

When:2017.06 — 2017.05.

Access method: Ongoing

Data-controller type:

Sublicensing allowed:


  1. Vital Statistics Service


The data is provided for Public Health statistical purposes to facilitate:
a) Measuring the health, mortality or care needs of the population, for specific geographical area or population group;
b) Planning, evaluating or monitoring health and social care policies, services or interventions; and,
c) Protecting or improving the public health, including such subjects as the incidence of disease, the characteristics of persons with disease, the risk factors pertaining to sections of the population, or the effectiveness of medical treatments.

Project 2 — PH PCMD

Type of data: information not disclosed for TRE projects

Opt outs honoured: N

Legal basis: Section 42(4) of the Statistics and Registration Service Act (2007) as amended by section 287 of the Health and Social Care Act (2012)

Purposes: ()

Sensitive: Sensitive

When:2017.06 — 2017.05.

Access method: Ongoing

Data-controller type:

Sublicensing allowed:


  1. Primary Care Mortality Database: ONS Mortality Data with NHS number and GP practice code added


The data is provided for Public Health statistical purposes to facilitate:
a) Measuring the health, mortality or care needs of the population, for specific geographical area or population group;
b) Planning, evaluating or monitoring health and social care policies, services or interventions; and,
c) Protecting or improving the public health, including such subjects as the incidence of disease, the characteristics of persons with disease, the risk factors pertaining to sections of the population, or the effectiveness of medical treatments.